How to Create a Job Site
Watch our video here or follow the directions below:
- Login to your Kahi account
- Click on “Job Sites” from the left side navigation menu, select "Active" (or any other Job Site Status listed) from the dropdown choices, then click on “ALL”
- A new green button will appear in the upper right corner, “New Job Site”
- Add the address, selecting from the address options that are presented in the drop-down menu for concise coordinates) and name of the job site per your needs (job name, account number, etc)
- You can drag and drop the location pin on the map to adjust the latitude and longitude as needed
- Click on “Create” to add this new job site to your confirmed job sites' listings
How to Delete a Job Site
Watch our video here or follow the directions below:
🚨Prior to deleting a job site, ensure it is not active or has any asset activity associated with it. If the job site has activity but the location is not accurate, editing the coordinates would be advised to update the location accordingly.
If there is NO activity associated with the job site, you can delete it by doing the following:
- Login to your Kahi account
- Click on "Job Sites" from the left side navigation menu, select "Active" (or any other Job Site Status listed),
- Select "All" from the Job Site panel and enter the address of the site you wish to delete in the search bar. This will ensure that no matter what the status of the job site, it will come up in your search.
- Click on the job site address you wish to delete.
- After ensuring there are no assets on the site, and no job site activity, you can select the red "Delete" button.
How to Restore a Deleted Job Site
Watch our video here or follow the directions below:
- Login to your Kahi account
- Click on "Settings" from the left side navigation menu, select "Organization"
- From the options presented, select "Deleted Locations"
- Scroll to find the address you wish to restore. They are listed in numerical then alphabetical order (123 Albert St, 123 Barney St. for example)
- A blue "Restore" button will appear when hovering over the address. Click on it to restore the address.
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