Unconfirmed Locations are potential job sites that are detected by Kahi. It is very important to review these on a daily basis via the alert shown on the map. Watch the video for an Overview or read instructions below for how to address Unconfirmed job sites or turn-off your auto-discovery feature.
Kahi | Unconfirmed Job Sites Overview - Watch Video
Unconfirmed Job Sites
Unconfirmed job sites are addresses pushed through to your Kahi account by your Kahi-enabled Raven dashcams based on their travels, which can include legitimate job locations your organization is working or frequent stops made such as gas stations, restaurants, or employee homes.
These addresses can either be "Confirmed" to be turned into job sites that assets can snap to, or "Ignored" to never be suggested to you again.
If any suggested location is not an actual job site you are working, we recommend clicking on the "Ignore" option instead of leaving them alone to ensure there is not a build-up of suggested addresses.
Clicking on the "Job Sites" tab in the left navigational menu and selecting "Unconfirmed" will bring you to the full list of all suggested addresses pushed through to your Kahi account.
From the list of addresses, begin working through them by selecting the first address to be brought to the information page where you can edit it, "Confirm" it, or "Ignore" it.
The address and name can be modified at this stage. Sometimes the address may be slightly off, depending on where the vehicle is parked.
- Edit the address to set the correct location if needed.
- "Name" can also be edited here if you wish to change it to something more specific (job number, client name, etc.).
✅ CONFIRM the address to accept the proposed/edited location as a job site.
❌ IGNORE the address if they are not, in fact, job sites, such as employee homes, gas stations, lunch stops, extended stops in traffic, etc.
- It is important to ignore these types of locations so that the location will not be proposed again as Unconfirmed.
You can also access the full list of your suggested locations via the notifications menu, which is accessed by clicking on the 🔔 bell icon in the top right hand corner of your account. "Unconfirmed" addresses are presented as a yellow warning notification, and selecting it from the menu will bring you to an easy access list to either "Confirm" or "Ignore".
🚨 New Feature Alert 🚨: Unconfirmed Locations - Batch Confirm or Ignore
Confirming (or ignoring) locations just got easier. When accessing your "Unconfirmed Locations" from the notifications icon, you will have the ability to select multiple locations at once, and then confirm or ignore them in one step.
Turning Off the Auto-Discovery Feature
If you would rather manually create your job sites instead of waiting to either "Confirm" or "Ignore" the ones suggested from the Kahi-enabled Raven dashcams, you can turn off your Auto-Discovery feature! To do so:
- Click on Settings in the bottom left hand corner to bring up your settings menu and select "Organization"
- Click on the "Edit" button in the top right corner
- Locate the "Automatically discover remote locations" option and uncheck the box
- This will turn off the suggested locations feature
With this feature turned off, you will no longer receive suggested address to "Confirm" or "Ignore," and will either have to manually create your job sites or integrate with a system such as Encircle or Albiware to ensure proper job site tracking.
Duplicate Locations
When confirming a location, you may receive an error indicating either a duplicate Name or Address, or notice it listed again after previously correcting/confirming a location:
Should this occur:
- Check nearby addresses for already Confirmed locations
- "Ignore" the duplicate address
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