Warehouse gateway
The Kahi Warehouse Gateway is designed to be installed at your warehouse location to provide beacon scanning while your assets are at home.
- Online status: the gateway is powered up and actively scanning for beacons.
- Offline status: the gateway is not currently powered or has cellular interference. See this article for more details.
Relevance Status - Inactive or Active
Relevance status indicates whether the warehouse is currently housing assets. It does not correlate to the gateway status as listed above
Active indicates that there are assets affiliated with the warehouse.
Inactive indicates that there are no assets affiliated with the warehouse.
Kahi-Enabled Raven Vehicle gateway
The Kahi-Enabled Raven is a forward and rear facing dash cam that connects to the ODB port of the vehicle. This unit scans for the Kahi Beacons while in transit and reports on location while on the move and as assets deploy and demobilize from sites. This unit also reports real-time vehicle diagnostics along with driver analytics and reporting.
- See below for vehicle status definitions.
Kahi Vehicle Gateway (KVG)
The Kahi Vehicle Gateway (KVG) is an alternative to the Kahi-enabled Ravens that are currently part of the Kahi tracking ecosystem, pared down to ONLY provide GPS data on your vehicle and tracked assets (NO camera).
Asset Beacons
Asset beacons are attached to your equipment to enable tracking with the Kahi platform.
Equipment utilized by your company that you wish to manage intelligently with Kahi.
Asset Statuses
Homesick Status
An asset that has been away from its Home Location for a period greater than that determined by its Asset Category (default period is two weeks).
Orphaned Asset Status
An asset that has not yet been assigned to a location. The last known coordinates of an asset will be displayed. You may see an orphaned asset before you "Confirm" a location, after which they will "snap" to the location.
An asset has been seen within 900 seconds by ANY gateway
An asset has been seen outside of the 900 second window
Locations and Location Statuses
Warehouse Location
This would be the company warehouse or office address (where your assets are typically stored).
Home Location
When assets are provisioned, they are usually assigned a Home Location, which is the location that the asset is expected to return to after use in the field. Usually, the Home Location is determined by proximity to your nearest Warehouse Location.
Active Status
Confirmed job locations which currently have assets onsite.
Recent Status
Confirmed job locations with no assets onsite currently, but did so within the last 2 weeks.
Inactive Status
Confirmed job locations, with no assets onsite currently nor within the past 2 weeks.
Unconfirmed Status
Locations that have not yet been confirmed as a valid job site.
Ignored Status
Locations that were reviewed and determined to not be current job locations.
Vehicle (Raven) Statuses
Tracking Status - Online or Offline
Online indicates that the vehicle is in use, running, and actively reporting.
Offline indicates that the vehicle is not in use for a period of time or the OBD port connection is loose/disconnected (possibly requiring further investigation if its offline for any other reason).
Relevance Status - Inactive or Active
Relevance status indicates whether the vehicle is currently transporting assets.
Active indicates that there are assets affiliated with the vehicle.
Inactive indicates that there are no assets affiliated with the vehicle.
Battery Status
Indicates that the battery power for a particular asset is at a low level, and will soon need to be replaced.
Indicates that the battery power for a particular asset is at a critical level, and can impact tracking; battery will need to be replaced immediately to ensure continued tracking ability.
General Terms
Warehouse count
Shows the current number of assets physically located at that warehouse, regardless of 'home location'. This will include all assets assigned to that warehouse AND any visiting assets with a Kahi beacon.
Asset count (by location)
Shows the current number of assets assigned to that particular home location. Only those assets that call a particular "warehouse location" home are listed there. Visiting assets are not included in this list.
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