A job activity report is available to view and download for every job created on Kahi. The job activity report will include a detailed list of the assets that were on-site at the job, arrival and departure dates and times, as well as hours on site, 24h periods, and calendar days, to assist you with your billing needs.
When you select a job site from the "Job Site" tab, you'll be presented with its "Job Card". You can select "Job Activity" located just under the creation date, to bring you to the job activity report data.
Once you are viewing the "Job activity" report, you can view different job sessions by selecting them from the drop-down menu. You can also adjust the data using the "minimum stay" filter, to remove assets that were online on-site for short periods of time (ie. if you change the filter to 3 hours minimum stay, you will remove any asset that was on-site for less than 3 hours).
Generate Report:
The report will generate and snap you to your "reports" tab (you can find this from the left-side navigation menu). You can open the report in a HTML file, CSV file, or PDF.
Download CSV/Excel:
You can download this data into a CSV or Excel file, for your bookkeeping software or other platforms to assist you with your billing needs.
Best practices:
- We recommend waiting until the job has been completed, and has moved from 'active' status to 'recent' or 'inactive' to ensure the report is the most accurate.
- Downloading the CSV or excel file may be preferred to viewing the data in app.
- We made some changes to the data reporting feature in late summer 2022. If you notice any oddities with your reports for jobs created before September 2022, please reach out to support@kahi.io for additional assistance!
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