You can add assets to Kahi without using a beacon, to assist with managing your inventory (with or without inventory tags. Read on!)
📱Using the mobile app:
- Log into your Kahi configuration app on your mobile device 📱
- Click on the "+" button in the lower left corner
- Choose between adding a "Uncatalogued" or "Catalogued" asset at the bottom:
- Uncatalogued assets are every day assets without manufacturer ID plate (ladders, small tools, meters, electrical cabling)
- Catalogued assets are assets that has a manufacturer ID plate (air movers, air scrubbers, dehumidifiers, etc)
- Cataloged Asset provisioning:
- If you are choosing to catalogue the asset: the next screen will ask you to take a clear, unobstructed photo of the manufacturer’s ID plate that includes the name of the manufacturer, model number and serial number
- Ensure there are no shadows or bright lights obscuring the photo plate
- Take the picture as straight-on as possible
- Check to ensure the picture is legible (if you can’t read it, the technology can’t read it!)
- Crop out unnecessary labels or stickers if you can, to prevent the OCR technology from reading things that aren't necessary for product identification (Safety labels, etc.)
- If you are choosing to catalogue the asset: the next screen will ask you to take a clear, unobstructed photo of the manufacturer’s ID plate that includes the name of the manufacturer, model number and serial number
- Confirm the picture 📷 and verify the details captured about the asset (note: you can also manually add in any information that was not captured in the picture at this stage)
- Confirm the home Warehouse for the asset. Submit.
- You will be prompted with two questions:
- "Do you want to attach an Inventory Tag?"
- select YES if you have purchased Kahi Inventory Tags, and follow the prompts
- select NO if you have not
- "Do you want to attach a beacon to this asset" - select NO
- "Do you want to attach an Inventory Tag?"
- Selecting NO will add the asset to your inventory ONLY (no tracking)
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