Simplify how you track your assets as they move in vehicles between job sites.
The KVG is an alternative to the Kahi-enabled Ravens that are currently part of the Kahi tracking ecosystem, pared down to ONLY provide GPS data on your vehicle and tracked assets.
Though this option does not offer vehicle diagnostics, cameras or driving insights, it does offer you peace of mind when it comes to tracking your assets in near-real time!
This is a great alternative for users who may already have a dash-cam system in place, but wish to track assets as well.
What's Included:
- Kahi Vehicle gateway device
- USBC charger and 12V adapter
Installation/Provisioning of the KVGs
TIP: Ensure your Kahi Mobile Provisioning app is updated to version 7.5.0 and you have Location Manager or above permission rights. Member rights will not allow completing the set up.
STEP 1: ADD vehicles via the Kahi Web-App
- Click the "Vehicles" tab on the left; a green "New Vehicle" button will appear in the upper right corner of the top navigation bar. Select it to add a new vehicle.
- A "Create Vehicle" details card will appear, where you will fill out the new vehicle details:
- Name (mandatory)
- License plate (optional)
- VIN (optional)
- Main Warehouse vehicle is linked to (mandatory) - select from drop down if applicable
- Select "Create" once details are entered.
- The Vehicles tab will have vehicles sorted as being either "Tracked" (vehicles with a gateway) or "Not Tracked" (vehicles without a gateway) status. The gateway can be either the KVG or the Raven-enabled unit.
STEP 2: PROVISION gateway via the Kahi Configuration-App
- 🔌 PLUG the gateway into your vehicle using the power adapter. With the vehicle running, allow about 5 minutes for the gateway to activate and update. You will know it's ready when the "cloud" light starts to fade in/out.
- 📱VISIT the gateways page by tapping the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner, and select "Gateways". Tap the "plus" icon➕ located at the bottom right. This will launch the gateway provisioning flow.
- 📷 SCAN the gateway with your phone's camera.
- 🚛 SELECT the vehicle that the gateway is to be installed to from the drop down options. The dropdown menu is populated with the untracked vehicles that were created earlier in the Kahi web-app.
- 👣 FOLLOW the steps on screen to finish provisioning the mobile gateway and start tracking!
The provisioning app will now have a "Vehicles" page that will ONLY list vehicles created in the Kahi web app (Raven vehicles will be excluded from this list). You cannot provision from this page. You will need to visit the gateways page to provision.
Each vehicle will have a status:
- UNKNOWN: not tracked vehicle
- Checkmark/Online + time stamp: tracked vehicle
- X icon/offline + time stamp: tracked vehicle
Step 3: INSTALL KVG Unit into your Vehicle (if not done during the steps above)
Units should be secured in a safe spot within the vehicle (middle console, glove compartment, or other compartment that will always remain within the vehicle) or mounted on the vehicles dashboard with double-sided Velcro adhesive.
Vehicle Details Page
By clicking on any vehicle, a details page will show its name, VIN, tracking & relevance status, latest coordinates, mapping, and gateway information.
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